cones 'cones' hotline

official business card for the pope of the church of majus

basic stats

28, 17th may
hove, uk
tired labourite
tries her best (most of the time)

before you follow

do not follow if you're far ('alt') right, or a general sexist/racist/transphobic piece of trash, but that should go without saying
if you're following me for politics, be aware that i switch interests to anime/video games frequently, especially when feeling stressed. if you're following me for anime, be prepared for sudden spam about former prime minister harold wilson and the like
if i don't follow you back it's because i'm shy!! i like to keep my following list small or i get overwhelmed, sorry
i have a mobage twitter here and a private twitter here, anyone can follow the former but i probably won't let many people into the latter (it's not you, i swear, it's me)